Scoil Bhríde BNS

      Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Brighde Buachaillí


Scoil Bhríde BNS is a Catholic, DEIS, all-boys Primary School in Tullamore, Co Offaly. We aim to foster the holistic and harmonious development of each pupil.  We cater for pupils from 2nd to 6th Class alongside our Amity Class for students with MGLD.

We are committed to providing a caring, happy and secure atmosphere in which each child can achieve their full academic, social, emotional, cognitive, physical, cultural and spiritual potential. In a spirit of mutual support and respect, our school community comprises of pupils, parents, teachers, staff and Board of Management and aims to garner a positive atmosphere where every child feels valued and cherished.

Le gach dea ghuí, 

Staff and Board of Management.

Follow us on social media for all news and events.

Facebook - Scoil Bhríde Tullamore

Instagram - scoilbhridetullamore
